Six (including the Invisible Man o) papercraft Ha. Papercraft Legend of Zelda "King of Red Lions" boa. Papercraft Vocaloid Hatsune Miku's "Mrs. Legend of Zelda "Skull Keeta" papercraft "Hallowee. - Tomb Raider 1-5 (PC) (TRViewer, trc2tr4 and 3DS MAX) (05). - The Legend of Zelda Phantom Hourglass / Spirit Tracks + more (Nintendo DS) (Super Memory Stick 4 Backup Master, dsbuff, Puyo Tools and apicula) (07). - Unreal (Epic MegaGames 1998) (PC) (Unreal Tournament Package Tool) (10).
- Quake 3 Arena (id Software) (PC) (ZIP-file manager + Blender with md3 import/export add-on) (11). - Quake (id Software) (PC) (Noesis and Blender with mdl import/export add-on) (09). #Pepakura mask ps2#
- PlayStation 2 save game icons (PS2) (PS2 Save Builder and MilkShape 3D PS2 Icon Importer/Exporter) (01). - Kingdom Hearts (alternative) (PS2) (ModelViewerWX D3D9 with Ninja Ripper and Noesis) (02b). - Kingdom Hearts (PS2) (ModelViewerWX D3D9 with 3D Ripper DX) (02a).
- Final Fantasy IX (PSX/PC) (Reverse FF9, Noesis and optionally Hades Workshop) (06). - Grim Fandango (LucasArts) (PC) (Resource File Creator and Dumper, KEY3DO2DAE and DoubleFine Explorer) (03). - Escape from Monkey Island (LucasArts) (PC) (EMI Model Viewer with GLXtractor) (04).